Experiencing ISEA2024 :: Everywhen

Forest Art Intelligence site visit

While in Brisbane for ISEA2024, Team ANAT and Angie Abdilla had the pleasure of visiting ANAT Synapse resident Keith Armstrong’s multi-layered project, Forest Art Intelligence (FAI). A long term art+science project combining ecological regeneration and experimental creative practice.

We walked the site under the sunny skies and met two members of Keith’s collaborative team: landscape ecologist Dr. David Tucker and SERF Site Technician Marcus Yates.

Keith’s multidisciplinary art+science team obtained unique permission to restore a currently cleared block of land back to high conservation-value forest at the Samford Ecological Research Facility (SERF).

READ Keith’s journal using the LINK in our BIO

Keith Armstrong is an experimental artist driven by social and ecological justice. His participative practices encourage audiences to envision sustainable futures through collaborative, site-specific electronic arts, networked interactive installations, and art-science collaborations.