Beeyali, 2021, Lyndon Davis, Leah Barclay, Tricia King. Beeyali is a Kabi Kabi word meaning “to call.”

ANAT SPECTRA 2025 :: Reciprocity

University of the Sunshine Coast
Kabi Kabi Country
2-4 October

ANAT SPECTRA 2025 shifts away from a traditional model to a bespoke, spontaneous configuration. Reciprocity aims to create a space for experimental and diverse themes and methodologies.

In partnership with the University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC), ANAT SPECTRA 2025 :: Reciprocity will be hosted on Kabi Kabi Country, in the heart of the Sunshine Coast Biosphere Reserve.

Reciprocity—the response of a positive action with another positive action—is the theme for ANAT SPECTRA 2025, reflecting our goal to create space for two-way listening and learning, for mutual exchanges of beneficial energy and support to all involved.

Reciprocity is about cultivating relationships through a cycle of giving and receiving, enhancing care, ethical collaborations, and meaningful exchange in creative practice. The theme invites reflection on the impact of our work and encourages practitioners to examine how reciprocity can shape creative ideas.

We look forward to announcing more details around our upcoming triennial event in the coming months.

Supported by ANAT in 2021, the Beeyali project began with Kabi Kabi artist Lyndon Davis’ idea to visualise wildlife calls using cymatics—the science of visualising sound or acoustic energy.

Read more about the Beeyali project.