ANAT CEO, Melissa DeLaney. Photograph Sia Duff.
ANAT CEO Melissa DeLaney appointed Adjunct Senior Industry Fellow at RMIT School of Art
Along with our partners at RMIT University, ANAT is delighted to announce the appointment of ANAT CEO Melissa DeLaney as an Adjunct Senior Industry Fellow in RMIT School of Art.
Melissa DeLaney, CEO of ANAT, emphasised that ANAT’s strength lies in its network and collaborations. She highlighted the significance of partnering with prominent Australian research institutions and esteemed organisations such as QUT University and the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) and The University of Wollongong three year Australian Research Council Empowering Australia’s Visual Arts via Creative Blockchain Opportunities project, ANU School of Cybernetics, Old Ways, New and Google Arts & Culture.
This new appointment supplements the partnership between RMIT University School of Art and ANAT via The Memorandum of Understanding between RMIT and ANAT and solidifies the commitment to fostering interdisciplinary partnerships, a cornerstone of Melissa’s work. With expertise spanning arts, cultural development, education, government, recreation, wellness, creative industries, technology, and science, all viewed through the lens of social sculpture, Melissa’s current research focuses on systems of care, resources, and networks, shaped by her philosophical embrace of the slow movement and intimacy.
Melissa’s diverse skill set extends beyond her professional achievements. She holds postgraduate qualifications in visual art and arts management, and recently completed a Master in Creative Industries at the University of Newcastle. Certified in mindfulness meditation teaching, trained as a raw food chef, and a Yin Yoga teacher, Melissa embodies holistic approaches to work and leadership. Additionally, her graduate degree in Wellness (Health Science) from RMIT University further enriches her interdisciplinary perspective, reinforcing ANAT’s commitment to nurturing comprehensive, innovative leadership in the arts and technology landscape.
In 2023 ANAT and RMIT School of Art established a three-year partnership to generate opportunities for artists to connect, research and experiment with science and technology partners.
“It is through this work that highly valued collaborations occur and where new and emerging artforms and knowledge evolves. The partnership with RMIT University is such a space to enable multi-disciplinary thinking, vital creative practice, research, and conversations to occur.” says Melissa.
Professor Kit Wise, Dean School of Art, says that the partnership is built on a shared belief that art and creative practice brings unique insight to emerging technologies and their potential.
“We greatly admire the leadership of ANAT in reimagining the world by building connections between art, science and technology and very much look forward to the valuable exchange of knowledge, ideas and artistic discovery that this partnership will enable,” he said.
For RMIT, a partnership with ANAT will support a broadening of its national and international networks and add new knowledge and stories that can be applied to its learning and teaching framework, or research program and practices.
The primary objective of an RMIT and ANAT collaboration will be to work together to connect our communities of practice to support the following shared goals including.
Facilitating artist collaborations with science, technology, and industry partners to foster experimentation. Prioritise diverse artistic perspectives, particularly those of First Nations artists. Advocate for artists’ role in shaping the future through curated projects and conferences. Strengthen interdisciplinary partnerships to align with sustainable development goals. Provide access to resources and expertise for enhanced student experiences and research outcomes. Foster industry engagement and advocate for the growth of Australia’s artistic communities through strategic partnerships.